Eight Hours
Made with support from Stichting Stokroos & Stroomversneller
Camera assistance by Eva van Boxtel
The eight-hour work day did not appear out of the blue. The classic slogan “8 hours for work, 8 hours for rest and 8 hours for what we will” was used by labor movements in the late 19th and early 20th century and divides the day in three equal parts. At face value this feels logical, even when we read it now. But while a lot of us are still subject to the eight-hour work day today, it was introduced in most Western countries already around a hundred years and many automative technologies ago, both at work and in the home. Should we then still be working for eight hours a day? Is our work really done when we clock out of our waged work? Do we really have eight hours for what we will, and shouldn’t this number be ever-increasing?

More documentation coming soon!